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Strah od koronavirusa i dalje utječe na putovanja i turizam

Iako mnoge države u zadnjih nekoliko dana poduzimaju prve korake za ublažavanje ograničenja zbog širenja koronavirusa, strahovi oko cijele ove globalne situacije koja nas je snašla i dalje utječu na putovanja i turizam.

Nedavno su brojne vodeće svjetske luke najavile da će nastaviti s ograničenjima, što će usporiti oporavak kruzing industrije.

Grand Cayman, Australija i Novi Zeland su neke od zemalja koje su među prvima zatvorile svoje luke zbog pandemije, a njihove Vlade poručuju da je još uvijek prerano raspravljati o ukidanju privremenih ograničenja i dozvoli krstarenja brodovima.


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A number of the world’s leading ports have recently announced that they will continue their restrictions hampering a recovery for the global cruise industry. – Local media in Grand Cayman, a frequent stop on cruises in the western Caribbean, is reporting that the country’s borders will remain officially closed until at least the first of September not permitting any cruise ships to arrive in port. – Australia and New Zealand also closed their ports to cruise ships early in the coronavirus crisis. – Government and travel officials in both countries have been saying that it is still too soon to discuss lifting the temporary restrictions and permitting cruise ships. #cruises #cruiseship #ports #covid19 #news #emintco #maritimenews #maritimeexecutive #shared #thursday #shipping #marineinsurance #maritimelawyers #caribbean

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Iako mnoge države u zadnjih nekoliko dana poduzimaju prve korake za ublažavanje ograničenja zbog širenja koronavirusa, strahovi oko cijele ove globalne situacije koja nas je snašla i dalje utječu na putovanja i turizam.

Nedavno su brojne vodeće svjetske luke najavile da će nastaviti s ograničenjima, što će usporiti oporavak kruzing industrije.

Grand Cayman, Australija i Novi Zeland su neke od zemalja koje su među prvima zatvorile svoje luke zbog pandemije, a njihove Vlade poručuju da je još uvijek prerano raspravljati o ukidanju privremenih ograničenja i dozvoli krstarenja brodovima.


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A number of the world’s leading ports have recently announced that they will continue their restrictions hampering a recovery for the global cruise industry. – Local media in Grand Cayman, a frequent stop on cruises in the western Caribbean, is reporting that the country’s borders will remain officially closed until at least the first of September not permitting any cruise ships to arrive in port. – Australia and New Zealand also closed their ports to cruise ships early in the coronavirus crisis. – Government and travel officials in both countries have been saying that it is still too soon to discuss lifting the temporary restrictions and permitting cruise ships. #cruises #cruiseship #ports #covid19 #news #emintco #maritimenews #maritimeexecutive #shared #thursday #shipping #marineinsurance #maritimelawyers #caribbean

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